NOVUHAIR Petite Conversations with Cory Quirino

Have you ever felt uncomfortable with some slight feelings of uncertainty, boredom, or irritation lately? Well, there’s a huge possibility that the new normal has psychologically shifted your default mode. Acknowledging such feelings may be a good start to cope with the problem. It may not be easy, can be very stressful and may even lead to excessive hair shedding! Although this quarantine is expected to be temporary, it may still go on for more months, OMG!

Well, definitely this is not a long vacation but an opportunity to look back, rediscover and appreciate what you’ve been used to enjoy, an invitation to simply love yourself just a little bit better. Be more aware. Be more diligent in choosing products that you will embrace as part of your health and beauty care. That’s the first step. But how?

NOVUHAIR®, nature’s answer to hair loss, partners with the country’s Health, Beauty & Wellness Icon Ms. Cory Quirino in spreading the brand’s advocacy campaign and reaching out to more Filipinos around the world in celebration of its 10th successful year in the market.

“With little acts of loving kindness towards the self, you can achieve the perfect 10,” she emphasizes. “In order to look good, you have to feel good. And in order to feel good, you’ve got to look good. Start with self-love. Begin with self-care. Start with your hair.”

Hair loss can have a devastating effect for both men and women and the experience of losing more than hundreds of hair strands can be quite alarming. So, what can we do to prevent it?

The health, beauty & wellness icon says that choosing wellness as a lifestyle includes eating nutritious food, exercising, getting a good sleep, drinking generous amounts of water, managing stress, getting enough sunshine, and above all, staying positive. On top of a daily healthy regimen, a supplement is necessary to maintain a healthy hair and scalp. Many people opt to use chemical-based products. But for her, the use of natural products is a must and the best solution for hair loss.

“There are hair treatment products in the market today that claim to be effective but their ingredients could contain chemicals that may prove harmful with long-term use,” she enthuses. “Choose natural. You deserve more. Go for the PERFECT 10!” she emphasizes.

Visit NOVUHAIR’s Facebook page @NovuhairOfficial and learn more practical ways on how to start loving yourself a little bit more – video episodes of Petite Conversations with Cory Quirino.

You deserve more. Go for the PERFECT 10!

Exclusively available at all Mercury Drug stores nationwide


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