Have you ever been asked about your wellness quotient?

Wellness quotient refers to your ability to incorporate wellness in your life. This requires an initial reflection and understanding of your current situation and developing a focused plan to address your shortcomings.

Currently, wellness quotient plays an important role particularly in dealing with the overall impact of this pandemic crisis where everyone is compelled to an extended community quarantine.

Making a few lifestyle changes to help improve yourself goes a long way such as joining a support group, reading e-books for additional knowledge, creating a wellness calendar plan and incorporating a good physical health habit can help improve your mood and your overall well-being.

NOVUHAIR®, the leading natural hair loss treatment in the Philippines, partnered with The Fit Filipino (FITFIL) Movement lead by Jim & Toni Saret, the brand’s VIP Fitness Coaches, to a FREE 20-day Facebook Live workout aimed at improving your wellness quotient goals through a “Bulletproof Immune System Activity Booster”.

This workout program is designed to help beginners and complement the workout of those with active exercise routines.

You can still join the program from May 18 until May 29, 2020.

Happening everyday from Monday to Friday at 4pm live on Facebook

To make the program even more exciting, Jim and Toni will be giving away NOVUHAIR® Topical Scalp Lotion 200ml. daily to ten (10) lucky registered participants and raffle special gift packs to those who will finish the 5, 10, 15 and 20 sessions via The Fit Filipino Movement FB  page.

What’s more?

Special awards will be given to the “Top 10 Biggest Losers” at the end of the 20-Day program.

Join now and believe in yourself. You’ve got nothing to lose.

#NovuhairCares #NothingToLoseNovuhair #ChooseNatural #BelieveInYourselfNovuhair


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